Convocation of sessions

  • A regular session is held twice a year on June 15 and November 20, but the first session in the year when the general election is held can be held in September or October by a resolution of the council. An extraordinary session must be convened within 15 days upon request of the mayor or by a motion submitted by at least one-third of incumbent members.

Regular session

  • A regular session is convened on June 15 and November 20 each year. If the date falls on an official holiday, it is convened on the next day.
  • Major activities of a regular session include
    • Deciding on the settlement of accounts pursuant to Act No. 134, and deliberating and deciding on other agendas presented at the first session
    • Deciding on the budget bill pursuant to Act No. 127 and deliberating and deciding on other agendas presented at the second session
    • Performing the inspection on administrative affairs

Extraordinary session

  • An extraordinary session may be convened upon request of the head of local government or at least one-third of incumbent members.
  • Major activities of an extraordinary session include
    • Hearing important issues presented and discussing solutions
    • Deliberating on agenda items including proposed bills for municipal ordinance